First time calling for therapy? Here's what to expect.

It’s a massive step from contemplating therapy to reaching out to a clinician. Reaching out about something challenging and personal about what you are experiencing to a stranger is uncommon and can be anxiety provoking. The goal of this post is to help reduce the uncertainty and let you know what to expect when you reach out to me.

When you call, you will most likely receive my voicemail. This is normal. I place my phone on “do-not-disturb” to have dedicated time to speak with you and avoid interrupting sessions. This way, when we talk, you have my full attention. Once you call and leave a message or send me an email, I’ll contact you directly at the phone or email that you provided. I typically call back within 24 hours if on a business day or if on the weekend, the next business day. If I can reach you on the phone, great! If not, I’ll leave a number and a suggested time to speak and ask you to call me back and let me know if that works for you. This applies to email as well. Before making appointments and moving toward onboarding, I’d like to speak with you on the phone first.

Once we connect, I’ll ask you about what you are seeking and briefly tell me what you are going through. I do this to help determine if what you are going through is something I can treat. If it is, I’ll ask you to give me your demographic information (full name, address, date of birth, any previous diagnosis you may carry, previous/current treatment, and medication).

I will then ask if you plan to use your insurance. If you elect to pay out of pocket or use your out-of-network services, we will discuss the fee for the service. If you plan to use your insurance benefits, I’ll ask for the name of your insurance. If I participate in your insurance plan (i.e., “in-network”), I’ll collect information on it. If you want to use your benefits, I’ll let you know that I will reach out to my insurance biller. The insurance biller verifies the information provided, sees if any pre-authorization is required, if a deductible has to be met, and lets me know about the client's responsibility for payment (e.g., co-pay). Once I hear back from my insurance biller, I will call you and let you know your fee responsibility.

 If you are ok with moving forward based on the information from the insurance company or with my out-of-pocket fee, I’ll send you an onboarding packet to complete. The packet consists of a HIPAA Notice (required by law), which includes my practice policies, two consent forms (for services and telehealth services, just in case), a background history questionnaire, a rating scale, and an optional exchange of information form to be able to coordinate services with other providers (e.g., primary care physician and/or psychiatrist). Then, I will then propose a couple of dates and times that I have available for you to come in for your first session. Lastly, I check to ensure that you know where I am located, what to expect once you enter the building, and if you have any additional preliminary questions.

I hope you have found this post helpful in reducing at least some initial uncertainty when you call me seeking therapy. For additional information regarding services and my practice, please explore my website at, email, or call (321) 345-0579.


Acceptance: Stop Fighting What You Can’t Control


Values, what are they good for? Absolutely everything.